Career opportunities for students of Fine Arts in India.

Career opportunities for students of Fine Arts in India.

Fine Arts refers to the purely aesthetic arts, such as music, painting, and poetry, as opposed to industrial or functional arts, such as engineering or carpentry.

               Some of the opportunities for students of Fine Arts in India are as follows:

Painter – One can work as a freelancer to create paintings or work as an interior artist after completing Bachelor in Fine Arts from any university. A painter can also showcase or sell his paintings in exhibitions, museums, etc.

Art Dealer – Art Dealers are required to purchase artwork from the painters and sell them to their clients. They are expected to keep up with the latest trends, understand the customer’s demand and purchase similar types of paintings from the painters.

Exhibition Manager – One can take up the role of exhibition manager after completing their study of fine arts. The Exhibition manager is responsible for managing the art shows with the artists and customers at the art gallery.

Museum Curator – A museum curator is required to raise money, organize events, manage public relations, and collect artifacts for museums.

Art Historians – The work of an art historian is to gather information about art and conduct research on the history of the development of art. 

Artifacts Restoration – An Artifacts restorer must have a degree in BFA in a certain course to repair or restore an artifact. He/ she needs to repair any type of damaged artifact.


Art Therapist – As art is considered a form of therapy to solve mental problems and attain mental peace, the job of an art therapist is to understand their patient and guide them to the art form which will help them to relax and express themselves easily.

Graphic Designer – With a BFA degree, a person can take up the role of a graphic designer as they are in high demand and are needed for the creation of multimedia, logos, prints, etc. TCS, Delloite, etc are some companies that hire for this role.

Product Designer – A product designer is in high demand as every company needs its product to be different from its competitor. Facebook, Meta, etc are some companies that hire for this role.

Interior Designer – An interior designer is in huge demand as people need good and attractive types of designs for their residences. Urbanclap, Homelane, etc are some companies that hire students.

Article Credits: Prateek Srivastava, Chandigarh University



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